Truculently; pg.91   Sentence- "Hagen's wife said, "Was that call about Tom?"She said it almost truculently but she was weeping with fright."
Definition:(adj.) brutally harsh; vitriolic; scathing.

Pezzonavante; pg.97    Sentence- "Don't underrate Sollozo, he's got to be a pezzonovante, a real .90 caliber."
Definiton: (adj.) big shot or big gun

Caporegimes ; pg.97    Sentence-  "Sonny looked at his two caporegimes."
Definition: (n.) A caporegime or capodecina, usually shortened to just a capo, is a term used in the Mafia for a high ranking made member of a crime family who heads a regime of soldiers.

Omerta; pg.101 Sentence- "He had to be safe, not a person that would talk to the police if he got in trouble, one well saturated in the Sicilian's law of omerta, the law of silence.
Definition: (n.)secrecy sworn to by oath; code of silence

Berth; pg.141   Sentence  "It was Tom Hagen who had to make all the arrangements for Michael's leaving the country, his false passport, his seaman's card, hi berth on an Italian freighter that would dock in a Sicilian port."
Definition: (n.) a shelf like sleeping space, as on a ship, airplane, or railroad car.

Irrevocable; pg.148     Sentence "For if he believed what he said, then his life set on an irrevocable course."
Definition: (adj.) not to be revoked or recalled; unable to be repealed or annulled; unalterable.

Phlegmatic;   pg.152    Sentence "The police captain was staring at Sollozzo with phlegmatic surprise, as if this had nothing to do with him."
Definition: (adj.) self-possessed, calm, or composed.

Luparapg.195    Sentence "A week later he himself was found dead, his body torn apart by lupara blasts."
Definition: (n.) an Italian word used to refer to a sawn-off shotgun of the break-open type.

Indemnity;   pg.202    Sentence "He remembered the murder of the man who had wielded  the knife and the other two having their sentences removed by paying an indemnity."
Definition: compensation for damage or loss sustained.

Guile;  pg.250    Sentence  "As prey they are slippery and dangerous, full of guile."
Definition: (n.) insidious cunning in attaining a goal; crafty or artful deception; duplicity.

Countenanced; pg.250  Sentence "In his mind these attack the very core of his personal authority, and cannot be countenanced."
Definition: (v.) to permit or tolerate

Regicide; pg.251   Sentence "The murder of a police captain was comparable to regicide."
Definition: (n.) the killing of a king.

Macabre; pg.255   Sentence "He always resented the jokes made about his profession, the macabre technical details which were so unimportant."
Definition: (adj.) gruesome and horrifying; ghastly; horrible.

Chastise; pg.256  Sentence "He could quiet grief that was too unseemly, he could rebuke unruly children whose parents had not the heart to chastise."
Definition: (v.) to discipline or punish, or to scold severely.

Giltedged; pg.280  Sentence "A Bocchicchio hostage was giltedged insurance."
Definition: (adj.) of the highest or best quality

Obsequiousness; pg.281    Sentence "He waited on his boss, Don Corleone, with all the respect of a favorite earl waiting on his king; bringing him a cold drink, lighting his cigar, positioning his ashtray; with respect but no obsequiousness."
Definition: (adj.)characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning

Gavoones; pg.283   Sentence "If the Chicago Mafia were savages, then  the Boston people were gavoones, or uncouth louts; ruffians.
Definition: (adj.)an uncouth lout or ruffian

Apparatus; pg.289  Sentence "Don Corleone controls all that apparatus."
Definition: (n.) any system or systematic organization of activities, functions, processes, etc., directed toward a specific goal.

; pg.305  Sentence "Jules was immediately contrite."
Definition: (adj.) full of guilt or regret; remorseful.

Gabbellotto; pg. 326 Sentence "The capo-mafioso was a man in his late fifties named Don Tommasino and he operated as the gabbellotto for a huge estate belonging to one of Sicily's most noble families."
Definition: (n.) an overseer of property belonging to the rich.